

This Notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. 请仔细审阅.

本隐私惯例通知描述了怀扬多纪念医院的隐私惯例, Physician 服务 of 皇冠体育博彩 and the Specialty Healthcare Center located within 皇冠体育博彩. It is provided to you in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996.

本通知描述您的健康信息如何, 构成该法规则所界定的受保护健康信息的信息, 可能会被用于为您提供治疗的目的, 为你的护理获得报酬并进行医疗保健操作. 本通知还将说明您的合法权利和我们对您的健康信息的义务. 法律要求我们维护患者个人健康信息的隐私,并向患者提供皇冠体育博彩对您的个人健康信息的法律责任和隐私做法的通知,并在不太可能发生的违反或未经授权披露您的个人健康信息的情况下通知您. 我们必须遵守本通知的条款,只要它仍然有效. 我们保留在必要时更改本隐私惯例通知条款的权利,并使新通知对我们所保存的所有个人健康信息有效. You may receive a copy of any revised notices by picking one up at the hospital or by mailing a request to: Risk Manager, 皇冠体育博彩, 北桑达斯基大道885号, 上桑达斯基, OH 43351.

您的授权与同意. 除了下面概述的, we will not use or disclose your personal health information for any purpose unless you have signed a form authorizing the use or disclosure. You have the right to revoke that authorization in writing unless we have taken any action in reliance on the authorization.

治疗的使用和披露. We will make uses and disclosures of your personal health information as necessary for your treatment. 例如, 医生、护士和其他专业人员会根据您的医疗记录和您提供的有关您的症状和反应的信息,为您计划一个可能包括程序的治疗过程, 药物, 测试, 等. 我们也可能将您的个人健康信息发布给与我们组织无关但正在或将要为您提供治疗的其他医疗机构或专业人员. 例如, if, 在你出院之后, 你将接受家庭保健, we may release your personal health information to that home health care agency so that a plan of care can be prepared for you. 在紧急情况下, 我们将使用和披露您的个人健康信息以提供您所需的治疗.

付款的使用和披露. 我们将在必要时使用和披露您的个人健康信息,以便向治疗过您或为您提供服务的医疗专业人员和机构支付费用. 例如, 我们可能会将有关您的医疗程序和治疗的信息转发给您的保险公司,以便安排为您提供的服务付款,或者我们可能会使用您的信息准备账单,寄给您或负责付款的人.

医疗保健业务的使用和披露. 我们将在必要时使用和披露您的个人健康信息, 而且是法律允许的, 我们的医疗保健业务,包括临床改善, 专业同行评议, 企业管理, 认可及发牌, 等. 这些用途对我们的运作和为所有病人保持高质量的医疗保健是必要的.

我们的设施目录. 我们维护了一个设施目录,上面列出了这个名字, 房间号码, 一般情况及, 如果你愿意, 你的宗教信仰. 除非您选择将您的信息排除在此目录之外, 的信息, 排除你的宗教信仰, 会不会向任何通过询问你的名字而提出要求的人披露. 这个信息, 包括你的宗教信仰, 也可以提供给神职人员吗. 这个信息是可用的,所以你的家人, 朋友和神职人员可以拜访你,大致知道你过得怎么样. You have the right during registration to have your information excluded from this directory and also to restrict what information is provided and/or to whom.

照顾你的家人和朋友. 如果你同意的话, 我们可能会不时将您的个人健康信息透露给指定的家人, 朋友, and others who are involved in your care or in 付款 of your care in order to facilitate that person’s involvement in caring for you or paying for your care. 如果你不在, 丧失民事行为能力, or facing an emergency medical situation and we determine that a limited disclosure may be in your best interest, 我们可能会在未经您同意的情况下与此类个人共享有限的个人健康信息. 我们还可能向授权协助救灾工作的公共或私人实体披露有限的个人健康信息,以便该实体找到可能涉及照顾您的某些方面的家庭成员或其他人.

商业伙伴. Certain aspects and components of our services are performed through contracts with outside persons or organizations, 比如审计, 认证, 法律服务, 技术支持, 等. 有时,我们可能有必要向协助我们开展医疗保健业务的一个或多个外部人员或组织提供个人健康信息. 在所有情况下, 我们要求这些商业伙伴适当地保护您的信息隐私.

筹款. 我们可能会与您皇冠博彩官网,为我们或代表我们的筹款活动捐款. 您有权“选择不接收”筹款材料/通信,可以将您的姓名和地址发送给:公共关系和营销高级总监, 皇冠体育博彩, 北桑达斯基大道885号, 上桑达斯基, OH 43351 together with a statement that you do not wish to receive fundraising materials or communications from us.

预约及服务. 我们可能会皇冠博彩官网您以提供预约提醒或测试结果. 轮到您接受服务时,我们会在等候室叫您的名字. We may send you information about services offered by the hospital that might interest or benefit you. 您有权提出要求,并且我们将满足您的合理要求,以便通过其他方式或在其他地点接收我们皇冠体育博彩您的个人健康信息的通信. 例如, 如果您希望预约提醒不要留在语音信箱或发送到特定地址, 我们会照顾合理的要求. 此类请求应直接向医生办公室或医疗记录主任提出, 适当的.

其他用途及披露. We are permitted or required by law to make certain other uses and disclosures of your personal health information without your consent or authorization. 例如,我们可能会发布您的个人健康信息:

公共卫生活动, 例如要求报告疾病, 受伤, 生与死, 以及必要的公共卫生调查;
as required by law if we suspect child abuse or 忽视; we may also release your personal health information as required by law if we believe you to be a victim of abuse, 忽视, 或者家庭暴力;
we many release immunization records to a student’s school but only if parents or guardians (or the student if not a minor) agree either orally or in writing;
必要时向食品药品监督管理局报告不良事件, 产品缺陷, 或参与产品召回;
to your employer when we have provided health care to you at the request of your employer to determine workplace-related illness or 受伤; in most cases you will receive notice that information is disclosed to your employer;
如果法律要求,政府监督机构进行审计, 调查, 或民事或刑事诉讼;
if required to do so by subpoena or discovery request; in some cases you will have notice of such release;
for certain research purposes when such research is approved by an institutional review board with established rules to ensure privacy;
if you are a member of the military as required by armed forces services; we may also release your personal health information if necessary for national security or intelligence activities;
如果你是一个惩教机构的囚犯, information may be disclosed for the purpose of the institution being able to provide you with health care; for your health and safety or the health and safety of others, 或者是为了惩教机构的安全.
Ohio law requires that we obtain a consent from you in many instances before disclosing the performance or results of an HIV test or diagnoses of AIDS or an AIDS-related condition; before disclosing information about drug or alcohol treatment you have received in a drug or alcohol treatment program; and before disclosing information about mental health services you may have received.

访问您的个人健康信息. You have the right to copy and/or inspect much of the personal health information that we retain on your behalf. 所有查阅资料的要求必须以书面提出, 由您或您的代表签字, 并提交给医院的病历部或相应的医疗办公室. 如果你要求获得一份记录副本,你可能会被收取费用. 这项费用是由俄亥俄州法律规定的. 随着医院信息系统发展能力的提高, 您有权获得以电子格式存在的您的健康信息的电子副本,并且您可以指示将该副本直接传输给您指定的实体或个人, 只要这种指定是明确的, 引人注目的, 并具体注明完整的姓名、邮寄地址或其他识别信息. You may be charged a fee for our labor and supplies in preparing your copy of the electronic health information.

修改您的个人健康信息. You have the right to request in writing that personal health information that we maintain about you be amended or corrected. We are not obligated to make all requested amendments but will give each request careful consideration. 所有修订要求, 为了被我们考虑, 必须是书面的, 由您或您的代表签字, 并且必须说明要求修改/更正的理由. 如果您要求的修改或更正是由我们作出的, we may also notify others who work with us and have copies of the uncorrected record if we believe that such notification is necessary.

个人健康信息披露的会计处理. You have the right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures made by us of your personal health information for six years prior to the date of your request. 请求必须以书面形式提出,并由您或您的代表签署. The first accounting in any 12-month period is free; you may be charged a fee for each subsequent accounting you request within the same 12-month period.

个人健康信息的使用和披露限制. You have the right to request restrictions on certain of our uses and disclosures of your personal health information for treatment, 付款, 或者医疗保健业务. 我们不需要同意您的限制请求,但我们将在适当的时候尝试满足合理的请求,并且我们保留在我们认为适当的情况下终止同意的限制的权利. 在我方终止协议的情况下,我方将通知贵方. 您还有权以书面或口头方式终止任何同意的限制. 如果要披露的信息仅涉及您已作出其他可接受的付款安排的医疗保健项目或服务,我们将尊重任何限制披露您的健康计划的要求.

违约通知:在不太可能发生违约的情况下, 或未经授权发布您的个人健康信息, 您将收到通知和信息,告知您可以采取哪些措施来保护自己免受伤害.

投诉. We are committed to protecting your privacy rights and encourage you to express any concerns you may have regarding the privacy of your health information. 如果你认为你的隐私权被侵犯了, 您可以通过皇冠博彩官网风险经理办公室提出投诉, 皇冠体育博彩, 北桑达斯基大道885号, 上桑达斯基, OH 43351. 你也可以向美国商务部秘书提出投诉.S. 华盛顿卫生与公众服务部.C. 在你的权利受到侵犯后180天内以书面形式提交. 投诉不会受到报复.

收到通知的确认. 您将被要求确认收到此通知. 我们的目的是让您了解可能的用途, 披露和保护您的健康信息.

如果您对本通知有任何疑问或需要进一步帮助, 您可以与风险经理办公室皇冠博彩官网, 皇冠体育博彩的隐私官是谁, 在北桑达斯基大道885号, 上桑达斯基, OH 43351.

作为患者,您有权获得本隐私惯例通知的纸质副本, 即使您已通过电子邮件或其他电子方式要求该等副本.
